Next Step has been running summer mission trips since 2007. We've had thousands of interns come through us as part of finding and moving to full time positions in their fields. We want to offer you meaningful answers to some common missions trip internship questions and assumptions. We hope that you will find that our internships are extraordinary when it comes to real experience and future missions, ministry, and job readiness! For info on our internships click the button!
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Most internships are paid while there are still unpaid internships to be found. This mainly depends on how much competition for interns there is in the particular internship field. If you are just seeking to get your foot in the door for an experience section on your resume, you might choose to volunteer or accept an unpaid internship just to get the job experience needed to get you to the next level in the process. Next Step Ministries offers 7 different paid internship positions. We hire Team leaders, Worship leaders, Hospitality Leaders, Construction managers, Construction site Supervisors, Worship team members, media techs, Emcees. These internships have varying support raising requirements, but people find the support raising tools and assistance offered to make the process simple and valuable for people who want to see young people serving those in need! Click HERE for more information or to apply.
Are internships only for students
In short, no. There are internships available outside of school requirements. However most commonly internships are geared for students to gain experience in their field of study, and are therefore often part of degree requirements at colleges and universities. Next Step Ministries offers Internships in the following fields of study: Missional Leadership, Hospitality, Communication, Worship ministry, Construction management, and AV. Click HERE for more information.
Are internships worth it
This depends on your goal. If you wish to gain hands-on experience, which is often required for highly desired full time jobs, an internship to gain that experience is absolutely worth it. Next Step summer internships, whether in Worship, construction, leadership, hospitality, or audio video. Click HERE for more info.
Are Internships hard
Internships can vary in difficulty, but come with the understanding that the purpose of an internship is to learn. So in this sense, they will usually be at a skills appropriate level for the intern to glean the knowledge, information, and skills experience they need to work in that industry in a full time capacity. At Next Step Ministries, we let our summer staff (interns) know that they will get out what they put into their internship experience. The better of a job they do, the better experience they will receive in return. Click HERE to learn more about the internships Next Step offers.
Are internships full time - Can internships be part time - Can internships be full time
Internships very in time commitment, but again, the purpose of internships is experience in the particular field of work of the internship. So in this sense, the more experience/time you are able to spend the more experience/reps you will get in your internship. Next Step Ministries internships are full time, and pretty busy. These internships would be similar to being a camp counselor. Everyone helps with all parts of the mission trip from start to finish. It is a team effort but with an amazing level of hands-on experience and gratification of finishing projects and serving others in the meantime. To learn more about Next Step Ministries internships, click HERE.
Can internships be remote - Can internships be online
Yes, Internships can be remote, often for lines of work that are commonly remote, like online customer service, web development work etc.. But remember, the purpose of an internship is to get experience and gain the knowledge and reps of the work while learning from someone who actually does that work professionally, so make sure the remote internship has adequate support for you to learn what you’re seeking to learn. Next Step Ministries has in- person internships because of the nature of the mission work that we do. Click HERE to learn more about what our internships are like.
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Internships work when an organization gives the intern a temporary chance to work in their field of interest in an environment that is lower pressure than a permanent employee would experience. The company benefits from being able to give the intern a test run and potentially hire them down the road if they prove themselves valuable to the team. The intern benefits by getting a chance that doesn’t have to be permanent so it is lower stakes for the employer but still gives the intern a chance to gain the experience they may need to complete their resume, school credit, or job application. To see what internships Next Step Ministries offers, click HERE.
How many internships should I apply to
One recommended strategy is to apply to each and every internship you would like to have, then make a commitment when you’ve received an offer from one or multiple of them. You may not hear back from every company so it will likely be helpful to apply to multiple. Our main recommendation is that once you accept a position, do not later turn it down when someone else sends you an offer. Do not go back on your word. When a company gives you a chance to work with them and you treat it flippantly, it definitely is not a good reflection on your part or for that company's plans, and can hurt the chances of future applicants. To see what internship opportunities Next Step Ministries has, Click HERE!
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Many companies offer internships. A better question is which internships will give you the best hands-on experience you need to complete your school requirements, or your resume. Next Step Ministries offers Internships with 45 days of actual hands on experience in 7 different internship positions. We hire Team leaders, Worship leaders, Hospitality Leaders, Construction managers, Construction site Supervisors, Worship team members, media techs, Emcees. Click HERE to apply.
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WHO internships you ask? Well put simply, Next Step Internships. We offer 7 unique ministry internships including but not limited to: Team leader position, Worship leader position, Hospitality Leadership position, Construction management position, Construction site Supervisor position, Worship team member position, media tech position, Emcee position, all in a ministry setting. These internships are a part of a small team of college students who lead life changing student mission trips at over 12 locations around the United States and abroad. Click HERE to apply
Who internships Kenya
Next Step has hired foreign exchange students from Kenya in the past. An updated Visa and work permissions from the home government are required. To participate, click HERE.
Will internships pay for housing
Not all internships will pay for housing, but housing is included with Next Step Ministries internships. This is because we are usually hosted by a local church who sees the value in the life changing work we are able to take part in. So our summer staff and mission teams are hosted at a host church/facility for the summer and operate out of that central location. Click HERE for more info!
Ministry internships for college students - Ministry internships near me
Next Step Ministries offers 7 unique ministry internships including but not limited to: Team leader position, Worship leader position, Hospitality Leadership position, Construction management position, Construction site Supervisor position, Worship team member position, media tech position, Emcee position, all in a ministry setting. These internships are a part of a small team of college students who lead life changing student mission trips at over 12 locations around the United States and abroad. Click HERE to apply.
Worship internships near me - Worship internships - Summer worship internships - Worship ministry internships
Next Step Ministries has up to 36 worship ministry internship opportunities available each summer. These internships grant 45 reps of worship leading experience to really hone in your gifts of serving through worship ministry. Next Step Worship ministry internships are available for school credit and take place from the end of May through the beginning of August each summer. Learn more about them and or apply HERE.